Kimberly Wilson, MA, MSW, LICSW, LCSW

A boutique therapy experience nestled in a light-filled, spa-like setting in the heart of Dupont Circle with whiffs of lavender and complimentary tea.


Hello, I’m Kimberly.

I specialize in psychotherapy for Gen Z, millennial, and midlife women seeking relief from anxiety, overwhelm, and feeling out of alignment.

Our sessions help you gain insight, reduce stress and anxiety, set goals, create change, and highlight strengths. It’s not just a session; it’s a collaboration to better understand yourself and gain tools to design the life you deserve.

As a mindfulness practitioner, yoga teacher, and entrepreneur with over two decades of experience, I bring a holistic and grounded approach to my work. Wellness is a key component to nurturing our mental health.

In addition to master’s degrees in women’s studies and social work, I’m certified in Applied Positive Psychology and Veterinary Social Work, working toward the Spiritually-Informed Psychotherapies certificate with The Psychotherapy & Spirituality Institute, trained in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and host a wellness podcast, Tranquility du Jour.

Through my work, I’ve been called upon as a wellness expert for US News & World Report, Washingtonian, Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan, various books, podcasts, blogs, TV, and radio.

My passion lies in helping you feel truly seen, heard, and understood, while also guiding you toward a more meaningful life and offering a safe space to reflect. In our sessions, you’ll gain tangible takeaways, supportive encouragement, and the benefit of deep listening.

And, can I just say how proud I am of you for taking this first step with therapy and toward living a life aligned with your values? Reach out for a consultation to begin your journey toward transformation.

Oh, and I’m an HSP (highly sensitive person), so I understand the challenges of being a perfectionist, “too sensitive”, and easily overstimulated. I see you!



I offer a boutique therapy experience starting with where you are right now and help unravel what feels out of alignment. By providing a safe and non-judgemental space, I’ll help you deepen self-compassion while taking steps to move forward.

Together, we craft a personalized plan to deepen self-awareness and cultivate coping strategies. We may work on skills such as emotional regulation, improving communication skills, reducing stress and anxiety, setting goals, increasing self-awareness, managing overthinking, and highlighting strengths so that you can live your best life and create lasting change.

I create an individualized approach specifically for you and incorporate mindfulness-based interventions, positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, and transpersonal psychology into my work. Our sessions include tangible takeaways coupled with supportive encouragement and deep listening.

For our work, we meet in a light-filled, spa-like setting with whiffs of lavender and a cup of tea situated in the heart of Dupont Circle (or via video).

Learn more about my fees, out-of-network insurance, and style on the FAQ page.

To schedule a free 15-minute consultation or an appointment, please email me. I look forward to connecting and collaborating!


If you live outside the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) area, I do offer private coaching services for $250/50-minute session. We meet by phone or video and our work together may be a one-time discussion or a longer ongoing experience.

Coaching is different from deeper therapeutic work and may be used to focus on a specific issue such as pursuing a creative dream or making a career change. Together we create an action plan and monitor progress toward a specific goal.

For more information or to schedule a session, reach out via email.


In addition to individual work, I also offer occasional women’s groups. To know when these offerings open, please join my seasonal mailing list.


How do I begin?

Please review my FAQs for information on insurance, fees, and the therapeutic process.

If it feels like a good fit, reach out via email to set up a free 15-minute phone consultation to discuss what’s bringing you to therapy. I’ll also share insight into my style as a therapist.

Next, we’ll set an appointment and I’ll follow up with forms to review and fill out. Please return the completed and signed forms via email 48 hours before our first session or bring them if we’re meeting in person.


1724 20th Street, NW, Suite 203
Washington, DC  20009

Situated in the heart of Dupont Circle, we meet in an intimate light-filled setting with whiffs of lavender, vibrant plants, soft hues, and comfort throws.

During our session, please enjoy a cup of complimentary herbal or caffeinated tea, boxed water, petite madeleines, and/or a cozy blanket to wrap yourself in.

Please note that there is no formal waiting area in this boutique office building, so arrive right at our appointment time and dial 203 from the call box.

If you’d like reflection time beverage before or after our session, next door is a lovely local cafe, Emissary.

More Questions?

Please check out my FAQs for additional answers or reach out.


Where do I begin?

Welcome! Please review these FAQs for information on my therapeutic style, fees, insurance, and more.

What’s your style?

I offer a boutique therapy experience starting with where you are and unravel what feels out of alignment. Nestled in the heart of Dupont Circle, we meet in a light-filled, spa-like setting with whiffs of lavender and nurturing ambience over a cup of tea. Together, we craft a personalized plan to deepen self-awareness and cultivate coping strategies.

I’m honored to be part of my clients’ journey and my style is warm and collaborative. I bring two decades of experience as a mindfulness practitioner, yoga teacher, and wellness entrepreneur which offers a holistic mind and body focus to my work. Our sessions include tangible takeaways coupled with supportive encouragement and deep listening.

How do we begin working together?

Upon review of these FAQs, if my style seems like a good therapy fit and you’re located in Washington, DC, Virginia, Maryland, or North Carolina, please reach out via email to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call.

At the end of the call if we both decide that we’re a fit, we’ll set an appointment and I’ll follow up with forms to return before our first session.

If I don’t live in the DMV area, can we still work together?

Yes, I also offer coaching via phone or video for clients outside the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) area. Coaching is different from deeper therapeutic work and may be used to focus on a specific issue such as pursuing a creative dream or making a career change. Together we create an action plan and monitor progress toward a specific goal. To schedule an appointment, email me and we’ll explore next steps.

When do you see clients?

I see therapy and coaching clients Monday through Thursday afternoons and early evenings. Although I’m usually booked a couple weeks out, we’ll work together to find a mutually beneficial time for our sessions.

What happens in the free 15-minute therapy consultation call?

I think of these calls as a meet and greet to give us the chance to get to know each other. We’ll discuss what’s bringing you to therapy. I’ll also share insight into my style as a therapist and answer any questions you may have.

What’s the start of therapy like?

During our first few sessions we’ll discuss your history, current situation and concerns, and goals for what you hope to accomplish in therapy. This initial period allows us to get to know one another and explore how best to serve your needs.

In our sessions you’ll have an opportunity to develop and practice new coping skills, vent about your struggles, gain perspective and new insights, learn to challenge your thoughts and stories, and receive feedback in a non-judgemental space. We’ll also explore resources and helpful tools to practice between our sessions.

Where is your office?

I’m located in Washington, DC’s Dupont Circle neighborhood. For a map and further instructions on connecting in person, please visit the Connect page.

How does teletherapy work?

We meet online via a HIPAA-compliant video platform. Please arrive a few minutes before our session time in a private space without distractions. A closed door and headphones help ensure privacy.

What is your treatment approach?

Pulling from various styles such as positive psychology, mindfulness, CBT, strength-based, ACT, spiritually-informed, and solutions-focused, our work is tailored specifically for you. My goal is to help you gain insight, reduce stress and anxiety, set goals, clarify dreams, uncover strengths, plus develop and deepen coping skills. By providing a safe space, we work together to expand self-understanding and self-compassion while making small shifts to move you forward.

What is your fee?

My fee is $220 per 50-minute session.

What payment methods do you accept?

I accept all major credit and debit cards. Payment is due at the start of each session.

Do you accept insurance?

I’m an out-of-network provider and do not work directly with any insurance company in-network. You may be eligible for partial reimbursement depending on your plan. For your convenience, I will provide you with a monthly statement to submit for reimbursement. For a list of in-network providers, please refer to Psychology Today.

What should I ask my insurance company?

My services may be reimbursable through your plan’s out-of-network mental health benefits. Prior to beginning treatment, I encourage you to verify your coverage by asking: Does my plan include coverage for out-of-network mental health services? How much does my plan cover for an out-of-network provider? What is my deductible for out-of-network services and has it been met? Do I have a session limit? What form(s) do I need for submitting my invoice(s) to receive my out-of-network benefits? Is teletherapy covered?

How often do we meet?

For continuity, I prefer to meet with clients once a week and ask that all new clients commit to meeting weekly for the first few weeks. This allows us to dive into our work together and for you to start seeing progress. Together we’ll coordinate a schedule that works best with your preferences, finances, and issues. I may also recommend that we adjust the frequency of sessions to best meet your needs.

Is everything I tell you confidential?

Everything you tell me is confidential with a few exceptions: If I feel that you are an immediate danger to yourself or others, I can break confidentiality to keep you/others safe. If I hear about the abuse (or suspected abuse) of anyone under the age of 18, an elderly person, or someone with a disability, I am mandated to report it. If confidential information is subpoenaed in a court of law, I must comply with the subpoena and this would not happen without your prior knowledge.

What if I need to cancel or reschedule an appointment?

Although issues such as family and work emergencies, childcare issues, or illness may arise that make it challenging to keep your appointment, I do have a firm 48-hour policy. The appointment time has been set aside just for you, so there will be a full session charge for any cancellations within 48 hours.

How do I contact you?

You can reach me via email, phone and text (202.827.5425). I will get back to you within 24 business hours. If you are in crisis and need immediate assistance, please dial 9-1-1 or go to your nearest emergency room.

What is your social media policy?

Due to the importance of your confidentiality and the importance of minimizing dual relationships, I do not accept friend or contact requests from current or former clients on any social networking site (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc). I believe that adding clients as friends or contacts on these sites can compromise your confidentiality and our respective privacy. It may also blur the boundaries of our therapeutic relationship. If you have questions about this, please bring them up when we meet and we can talk more about it.

I will not follow any client on social media. If there is content you wish to share from your online life, please bring it into our sessions where we can explore it together.

I have no expectation that you will want to follow me on social media, listen to my podcast, read my books, or partake in any offering outside of therapy. However, if you use an easily recognizable name and I happen to notice that you’ve followed or liked me, we may briefly discuss its impact on our working relationship.

Please do not use messaging on social networking sites to contact me. These sites are not secure, and I may not read these messages in a timely fashion.